11月17日にロンドンのSt. John’s Smith Squareで行われた創立40周年記念コンサートに寄せられた手紙の中から2通をご紹介します。
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21 November 2012
Dear Mr Munechika
Thank you for a really delightful 40th Anniversary Concert. The standard of your students’ musical abilities never fails to impress.
It has been a very special year for Rikkyo and for so many of the teachers who were at the School for its inauguration in 1972. Rikkyo has become very much part of the village of Rudgwick, and long may it continue.
With all good wishes to you and to all the teachers who helped to organise the Concert.
Kindest regards
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November 18th 2012
Dear Sir
My wife and I must thank you for inviting us to your 40th Anniversary Concert.
It amazes us how talented your pupils are and the confidence they have to perform in front of such a large audience. The staff and pupils must be credited with a professional performance. This is not done without a lot of hard work. We wish you and the School every success in the future.
Yours sincerely