11月17日にロンドンのSt. John’s Smith Squareで行われた創立40周年記念コンサート。長年本校でMusic Department のHeadを勤めて来たメンデルスゾーン先生がこのコンサートの総監督にあたりましたが、彼女のところにも手紙が続々と届いています。その中から2通を以下にご紹介します。
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November 18th 2012
Dear Brenda
I just wanted to write and say what an absolutely splendid concert it was on Saturday. I thought that everyone did so well and each item was a real delight and so gloriously tuneful. What talent you have there and it must be exciting to work with them. It always amazes me how they all play from memory too.
Arranging an event like that must be a huge undertaking but how lovely it was and so worthwhile. I was sorry when it came to an end and could happily have heard it all over again.
With all my love and best wishes
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November 2012
Dear Brenda
I am still enjoying memories of that fantastic concert at St John’s. We all had the most amazing day and I wouldn’t have missed it for anything!
Thank you so much for inviting us and many, many congratulations on producing such a wonderful concert! All that hard work and heartache really paid off! Please tell your pupils, and Alison and Lynda, and all involved how much it meant to us.