A visit from St Edmund’s Primary School, Godalming
On Thursday 17th May, thirty-one year 3 students from St Edmund’s Primary School came to visit Rikkyo to learn about Japanese culture. They had already learned quite a lot about Japan before they had arrived, and were able to tell us about Golden Week, Children’s Day and the importance of carp flags.
In the library, the H3 students delivered a PowerPoint presentation and a quiz. Afterwards, the students split into groups and we taught St Edmund’s to count to 10, and how to write their names in Japanese. They were also introduced to kendama, koma, fukuwarai,juggling, and manga drawing.
The H2 students put on a display of Double Dutch skipping, and then helped the young visitors to try the skipping for themselves. Upstairs, a kendo demonstration took place and the students were taught how to hold a bamboo sword, and how to swing the sword at their opponent. This session finished with some J-Pop music and dancing.
Before lunch, St Edmund’s spent time answering questions which some of the P&M students had prepared. Our students also demonstrated origami and helped their visitors to make something to take home with them. In the final part of the morning, St Edmund’s put on Japanese jackets and were taught how to bow and how to say ‘Good morning’ and ‘Goodbye’. The M2 students finished the morning by singing a traditional Japanese song.
After the visit, Mrs Robson from St Edmund’s wrote to say, ‘Thank you so much for organising all the activities today. The children had a great time and learnt so much.’
We have been invited back to St Edmund’s and hope to take some students there in the autumn term.