New Experience
There are two reasons why I wanted to do this exchange. The first reason is because I wanted to know about British schools and what British students do at their home. The second reason is that I wanted to talk with teenagers in England. We don’t have lots of opportunities to talk with them, so I was interested in what they talk about, and what their lifestyles are like.
Before the students of Millais school came, I was very excited and hoped that we could talk a lot, but as the time got close, I felt uneasy about this. As I had thought, we couldn’t talk much the first day. I had many things that I wanted to ask, but when I was talking, I couldn’t think of any question. For the first few days, I had many things unsure and I got very tired. I was not confident with my English, so I couldn’t talk in English much. I think the same thing happened to the students in Millais school too. I was worrying about this exchange week, but as the time went on, I didn’t feel so nervous anymore and I started to talk more calmly. I realised that my talking speed was fast and also my voice was soft. After I realised that, I could talk a little bit slower and louder. Sometimes, my English was not appropriate and it was difficult to tell them what I wanted to say, but when they got what I meant, they pronounced it properly and I could learn how to pronounce it. I had not been so confident with my pronunciations, so it was very good chance to make it better.
There was one thing which I felt very new about Millais students. I had never heard foreigners speaking Japanese, so it was very new for me. They knew more Japanese words than I had thought. They could read and write Japanese. The most surprising thing happened before Homeroom time. When I was studying Kanjis, I wondered if they could read Kanji. I asked my buddy “Do you know what this Kanji means?” pointing a Kanji. She said “Oh, I know this!” and told me what that meant. She knew most of easy Kanjis and I was really surprised because I heard they had learnt Japanese for only three years. I didn’t know that we could be that good within only three years. I think it’s very difficult to learn Japanese because it is not a major language. Also, you have to remember over 100 letters only learning Hiragana and Katakana, and if we also learn Kanjis, we have to learn a lot more! Learning Kanjis is also hard for Japanese people. It was a very good experience not only learning English, but also knowing the people who is learning Japanese.
I felt the one week Millais school students spent with us passed rather slowly, but also very fast. The most difficult thing was not explaining in English, but explaining how to live in Rikkyo. British schools and Japanese schools are so different that I’m really looking forward to going to Millais school. I want to experience new and surprising things a lot.
ミレーの生徒と話している中で、新鮮だったことがあります。それは、外国人が日本語を話しているということ。特に白人が日本語を使っていることが新鮮でした。話すこと以外にも読み書きもでき、私が思っていた以上に日本語を知っていました。私が一番驚いたことは、夜のホームルームのときに起こりました。漢字の小テストのために勉強していたときふと、彼女たちは漢字を勉強しているのだろうか?と考えパートナーに漢字練習帳を見せてみました。「これなんて意味か知ってる?」と漢字を指差しながらきいてみると、”Oh, I know this!”と言い漢字の意味を言ってくれました。もちろん知らない漢字もあったけれど、小学一年生くらいの漢字だとほとんど知っていました。彼女たちは日本語を習い始めて3年と言っていたので、3年でこんなに学べるのか、と素直に驚きました。私たちが英語を学ぶのと違って、メジャーではない日本語を学ぶのはすごく大変だと思います。平仮名や片仮名を覚えるだけでも100個以上があるのに、漢字までも覚えるとなると本当にすごい量です。それでも学校で日本語を勉強しようと思っている彼女たちと知り合えただけでも、この交換留学は意味があったと思います。
彼女たちが滞在していた一週間は、長いようであっという間でした。今回一番難しかったのは、英語で説明することではなく立教生活を説明することだったように思います。彼女たちが”It’s so different.”と言っていたように、日本とイギリスの学校は全く違うと思います。春休み、ミレースクールに行ったとき、彼女たちが困ったり驚いたりしたように、私もそんなことがたくさんあると思います。日本語が全く通じなくて困ることがあるかもしれませんが、驚くようなことをできるだけ体験したいです。
(中学部3年生 女子)