Rikkyo Homestayの研修報告②

Rikkyo Homestayの研修報告②


The Last Day
The final day has finally arrived. I can’t believe that today is our last day of
spending the whole day together. Each day has ended so quickly, but we have had
productive days. I have learned a lot of new things this week.
The first thing is “”puddings””. When I first heard that word, I imagined it to be
shaped like jelly or something soft. However, they were made with yogurt and
berries. I was confused and thought that yogurt with fruits meant pudding. After
finishing eating the puddings, I tried to find out what pudding really meant, and I
discovered that in England, it means “”dessert””. The pudding I initially imagined is
called “”American English””. I never noticed this before. By the way, for supper this
evening, we had tiramisu that I made this morning. It was very tasty, and I could
eat it forever!
The second thing is that I found a few boarding schools nearby this area. They look
similar to Rikkyo School, with a huge field and old buildings. That’s why I felt a
connection to them.
We also discovered other new things this week, so it was a great experience for
me to learn about so many things.
Lastly, I want to share a few small things that made me even happier today.
Whenever I walked inside the house, Ruby (the host family’s dog) always followed
me. She is soooo pretty and sweet!! I can’t say goodbye to her, and of course, not to the host family either.